Soul Attack, Disability, and the Healing Process

There is an ancient history associating depression with injury to the soul or its loss. By the soul, I mean that enlightening spirit or life-giving force that gives rise to those stabilizing, integrating powers that make a being whole and a person fully human.

The Two Million-Year-Old Self by Anthony Stevens

Anthony Stevens is a bridge builder. In this quintessential product from his pen, he makes connections between analytical psychology, anthropology, behavioral biology, dream psychology, psycholinguistics, psychiatry, and alternative modes of healing.

Androgyny and Its Relationship to the Anima and Animus and Related Psychological Constructs

This study focused on the relationship between androgyny and the anima and animus, and the relationships between androgyny and the anima and animus and the dependent variables of individuation, psychosocial development, self-actualization, and self-esteem in women.

Dismantling The Animus

I started writing this in 1993, expanding on a lecture I had given to several Jung Societies in the United States. I finished the monograph in 1994, intending to publish it, but, for reasons which are now irrelevant, it went into a drawer instead.

Dream Interpretation In Jung's Theory A Comparative Analysis

This essay was written originally in December of 1996, as a theoretical dissertation for the Clinical Psychology Training Programme co-ordinated by Dr. Miriam Freitas, Dipl. CG Jung Institut - Zurich, and Claudia Perrone and Nadia Santos, Psychologists, which was part of the graduation course of Psychology at the Federal University of RGS.