Depressão e Coagulatio Alquimica o Sofrimento Como Propicador da Solidifição

Depression, with its symbolical aspects connected with Saturn, favors in human psyche the return of the interior and the imprisonment of fantasy. Depression causes the suffering, the cold, and the social distance, as well as weight and darkness.

The International Congress for Analytical Psychology

Superare uno stress, fare fronte a un dolore, ricomporre una lacerazione dell'anima. É come giocare con la sabbia. Si fanno trincee e si schierano gli eserciti sul campo di battaglia; si scavano gallerie e col palmo della mano si batte la pista per far correre le biglie; si innalzano fragili castelli e ancor piú precarie cittá. Si distrugge e si costruisce.

Introduction to The Sinner's Treadmill

To aspire to a greater way of being, to seek out and nourish the Soul, is an intrinsic desire that exists in varying degrees within each person, is understood differently by each person, and manifests in equally varying ways.

Consumer Reports: Does Therapy Help?

In the November 1995 issue of Consumer Reports you will find the results of their extensive study on psychotherapy.

Dreams of Sex and the Sex of Dreams

Sexual dreams. Most people have experienced them. Some people welcome them for their intensity and excitement; some people fear them as they induce guilt and shame. But, perhaps more so than any other type of dream, they always intrigue.