Analytical Psychology

Learning To Tell Time: Travels in Laos

As you will see at the conclusion of this piece, by the end of my first 24 hours in Vietnam I knew that I had passed into another kind of time, back into a world where violence is always immanent and often real, and although this piece is about Laotian time and not Vietnamese I guess it is true that often you have to cross a border before you can really see what you have left behind.

Jung on Schizophrenia: An Introductory Survey

Eugen Bleuler is acknowledged by the development of a revolutionary synthesis in the field of the Psychiatry of his time: he elaborated a theory about schizophrenia which, in contrast with the organicist trends prevailing in that period, nowadays could be termed as "organ-dynamic."

The Physiology of Psychological Type, Part II

So much has been discovered in the past ten to twenty years that it is now possible to be relatively certain about the physiological bases for Dr. Jung's Typology. To start with, one can begin to understand the physiology of Jung's four functions, by developing a working familiarity with the following physiological terms.

The Physiology of Psychological Type, Part III: Falsification of Type

Human beings are perhaps healthiest, happiest, and most successful when they can use and be rewarded for using their own innate giftedness, or what Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. Katherine Benziger call their natural lead function.

The Physiology of Jung's 4 Psychological Functions

This is an essay on the physiolgy of Type. For Jung, the word Type was a convenient short hand which allowed him to identify with one label, both a person's preference for either Introversion or Extraversion, and as well their Natural Lead Function: Thinking, Sensing, Feeling, Intuition.