Analytical Psychology

Know Thy Self: The Eastern Traditional way and the way of Jung

When we are talking about individuation, whether the Eastern or Western view, we are talking about something we have experienced or can experience. It is the experience of Individuation which defines itself and not vice versa.

Jung and Guru: Parallels between Hindu Thought and Jung

The innermost desire of every man is to know who he really is. Not knowing oneself, one is unhappy. We all meet in this common factor, though there may be and are different paths adopted by us.

If the Centre of the World Is Set at Zero

Did the destruction of the Twin Towers have a resonance in the consulting room? And, if so, of what kind? Then can what happens in the consulting room help us to understand the imaginary and symbolic dimension of what happens in the world?

Castaneda's Legacy: As Mysterious as the Man

Once he began publishing his best-selling accounts of his purported adventures with a Mexican shaman 30 years ago, Carlos Castaneda's life and work played out in a wispy blur of sly illusion and artful deceit.

On the Nature of Dreams

The examination of the context is, to be sure, a simple, almost mechanical piece of work which has only a preparatory significance. But the subsequent production of a readable text, i.e., the actual interpretation of the dream, is as a rule a very exacting task.