With the kind permission of the author Donald R. Dyer and Shambhala Publications, we are pleased to offer Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought, an invaluable resource for the study of Jungian psychology which is now out of print. Published in 1991, this comprehensive bibliography, clearly a labor of love by the author, covers books published up to 1990.

Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought: An Annotated Bibliography 

by Donald R. Dyer

(Shambhala Publications, 1991)

With the kind permission of the author Donald R. Dyer and Shambhala Publications, we are pleased to offer Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought, an invaluable resource for the study of Jungian psychology which is now out of print. Published in 1991, this comprehensive bibliography, clearly a labor of love by the author, covers books published up to 1990.

A Work-in-Progress

Some adaptation of the original text has been necessary for publication on the Internet. Page numbers and references to page numbers, for example, have been eliminated. Instead we have provided links to references where possible. Also, in order to make Cross-Currents available without too much delay, we have eliminated references to reviews of books cited, many of which would not be readily available to readers.

The chapters which are already available for viewing have been linked. The remainder of the chapters we will continue to put on-line as time permits.

Selected Contents

Part One: Works Arranged by Subject

1. The Life of C.G. Jung

2. Collections of Jung's Writings

3. Jung's Psychology

4. The Psyche

5. Psychological Types

6. Human Development and Individuation

7. Symbolic Life and Dreams

8. Feminine and Masculine Psychology

9. Religion and Jung's Psychology

10. Creativity and Jung's Psychology

11. Jungian Analysis

12. Civilization in Transition

Part Two: Works Arranged by Author

Part Three: Works Arranged by Title



Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C. G. Jung, recorded and edited by Aniela JaffŽ Ger.:Erinnerungen, Trdume, Gedanken. Zurich: Rascher Verlag 1962) London: Collins with Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962; New York: Pantheon, 1963p; rev. 1973; New York: VintageBooks/Random House, 1965p; rev. 1989p*; London: Collins, 1967p; London: Flamingo/Fontana,1983p* (430 + xiv, incl. 20-p. index, 8-p. list of the Collected Works, 12-p. gloss. of Jungian terms, 28 illus., 10-p. editor's intro.).

Stating in the prologue that his life is a story of the self-realization of the unconscious, Jung views his experience as his personal myth, as his truth.Therefore, he speaks chiefly of inner experiences, including dreams; and outward events of hislife and work are illuminated by his deep understanding of the psyche. As an "autobiography," the memoirs are arranged chronologically, starting with his childhood and his school and university years, followed by psychiatric activities (first years of work as physician at Burghšlzli Psychiatric Clinic and lecturer at theUniversity of Zurich) and his friendship and break with Freud, followed by confrontation with the unconscious, the work (therapeutic practice, research, and writing), building his tower-retreat at Bollingen, and travels, concluding with chapters devoted to visions, life after death, late thoughts, and retrospect. Appended are three letters from Freud to Jung, six letters from Jung to his wife, Emma Jung, from America, a letter to Emma from North Africa, a memoriam to RichardWilhelm, and Jung's "Seven Sermons to the Dead."

C. G. Jung , by E. A. Bennet. London: Barrie & Rockliff, 1961; New York: E. P. Dutton, rev. 1962p (165, incl. 6-p. index, 4-p. bibl.).

Reflecting on his long personal friendship with Jung, psychiatrist Bennet depicts some of the key aspects of Jung's work within the setting of Jung's personality. Because of Bennet's own career, he emphasizes the medical background of Jung's work. He provides an introduction to Jung as a person and then gives impressions of Jung's childhood and youth, Jung's first professional experience (at Zurich's Burghšlzli Hospital) and his friendship with Freud. The remainder of the book highlights Jung's theories and practice on the subjects of introverts and extraverts, the mind (personal and impersonal), mental life as process, the mind in time (Aion), dreams, the interplay of opposites, and individuation. The appendix (notable occasions) contains an account of some of Jung's birthdays and the transcription of a BBC broadcast review.

Contact with Jung: Essays on the Influence of His Work and Personality , edited by Michael Fordham. London: Tavistock Publications for the Society of Analytical Psychology, 1963; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1964 (245 + x, ind. 7-p. index, end-chapter references).

Originally intended as a memorial supplement to the Society's journal of Analytical Psychology, marking Jung's death as the last of a generation of founders of a new science of psychology, this work is made available to a wider public in order to present not only the impact of Jung's scientific researches but also of the influence of his personality. Essays by forty-one contributors include thirty-one in English; the remainder are in German or French. Most essays are short (two- to seven-page) tributes or reflections on Jung's influence. Contributions by authors whose books appear in the present annotated bibliography are by Culver Barker, Barbara Hannah, Esther Harding, Joseph Henderson, Kenneth Lambert, John Perry, Marvin Spiegelman, Robert Stein, Jane Wheelwright, and Joseph Wheelwright.

G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships , by Miguel Serrano. (Span.: El Circulo HermŽtico. Santiago de Chile: Zig-Zag, 1964.) London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966; 1971p*; New York: Schocken Books, 1966; 1968p (112 + xi, incl. 9 illus.).

Serrano's contacts in Switzerland with Jung and with novelist-poet Hermann Hesse reflect hisadmiration that they had lived fully, expressing their very being in their work. His first interview with Jung occurred in May 1959 and the last in May 1961, less than a month before Jung's death. He characterizes Jung as having given new terms to myths that emanate from "mankind's eternal tradition." He records a dream following

Jung's death in which Jung returns to receive Serrano in Jung's house.

Portrait of Jung: An Illustrated Biography, by Gerhard Wehr. (Ger.: C. G. Jung im Selbstzeugnissen und Bilkdokumenten. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Raschenbuch Verlag, 1969.) New York: Herder & Herder, 1971 +p (173, incl. 3-p. bibl., 5-p. ref. notes, 3-p. chron., 55 illus.).

Wehr, who has written biographies of such other famous persons as Jan Hus, Meister Eckhart,Martin Luther, Paracelsus, Jakob Boehme, Rudolf Steiner, Paul Tillich, and Martin Buber, characterizes Jung in this illustrated biography (fifteen photos of Jung himself) as explorer of the archetypes in the human psyche, that is, of "the collective unconscious," as well as interpreter of symbolism and the process of individuation in humankind. His topics include Jung's beginnings, the meeting and break with Freud, the elements of his doctrine, psychological types, psychology and religion, alchemy and the study of the psyche, Jung and Eastern thought, psychotherapy, problems of our time, and the importance of dialogue.

C. G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, by Marie-Louise von Franz. (Ger.: C. G. Jung: Sein Mytbos in unserer Zeit. Stuttgart: Huber, 1972.) London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons for the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, 1975; Boston: Little, Brown, 1977p (355 + x, incl. 31-p. index, 32-p. bibl., 3-p. biographic chron.).

Von Franz, close collaborator with Jung in alchemical studies, presents within a wide perspective the development of basic Jungian concepts, such as the collective unconscious, archetypes, psychological types, active imagination, and the process of individuation. In following the "basic melody" of Jung's inner myth, she touches on his influence on such varied subjects as anthropology, ethnology, religion, and atomic physics, as well as psychology and psychotherapy. Her subjects include the underground god (Jung's first great dream, at age three or four), the storm lantern (the guiding light in the psyche), the physician, mirror-symmetry and the polarity of the psyche, the journey to the beyond (experiencing the unconscious), the Anthropos, the mandala, coincidentia oppositorum (identification of opposites), man's morning knowledge and evening knowledge, Mercurius, the philosopher's stone, breakthrough to the unus mundus (unity of the world), individual and society, and le cri de Merlin (the cry of Merlin, the spirit in the stone).

Metaphors of Self. A Theory of Autobiography, by James Olney. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton U. Press, 1972* +p*; London: Oxford U. Press, 1972 (342 + xi, incl. 10-p. index).

Pursuing his interest in the philosophy and psychology of autobiography, Olney uses Jung as one of his six examples of autobiographical types. In the 62-page chapter "Jung: 'My Personal Myth,' " he characterizes Jung as "nothing more and nothing less than a speculative metaphysician," adding that Jung's own autobiography offers a comprehensive statement of his profound experience in and understanding of the human condition.

Jung, by Anthony Storr. (American title: C. G. Jung.) London: Fontana/Collins, 1973 +p; 1986p*; New York: Viking Press, 1973 +p (116 + xii, incl. 4-p. index, 1-p. bibl., 2-p. biographical note).

In this short introduction to Jung's life and work, Storr emphasizes Jung's ideas on introversion and extraversion, a self-regulating psyche, the process of individuation, archetypes and the collective unconscious, and the concept of the self. He begins with a view of Jung's personal background and his early work and concludes with Jung's contribution to psychotherapy. He states that Jung's ideas are "profoundly valuable" and are necessary in order to counterbalance Freud, though as a psychiatrist with Jungian analytical training he prefers to be "unlabeled." He especially values Jung's contribution to the conception of human nature.

Jung and the Story of Our Time , by Laurens van der Post. New York: Pantheon Books/RandomHouse, 1975; London: Hogarth, 1976*; New York: Vintage Books/Random, 1977p*; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1978p* (276 pp).

South African explorer-writer Sir Laurens van der Post's close friendship with Jung convinced him that Jung's importance to so-called normal people and societies was much greater than his gift of healing abnormal and psychologically ill persons. He is certain of Jung's greatness as an inspired psychologist and born healer and describes Jung as more than a psychoanalyst in the wider context of history. Following an introductory chapter on his own background and his first meeting with Jung, van der Post describes Jung's childhood and youth, his professional experience at Burghšlzli Hospital, and his experiences with Freud, ending with a long chapter on Jung's contributions.

C. G Jung: The Haunted Prophet , by Paul J. Stern. New York: George Braziller, 1976; NewYork: Delta Book/Dell Publishing, 1977p (267, incl. 5-p. index, 4-p bibl.).

Psychotherapist Stern presents a picture of Jung in sharp contrast to most accepted views of his life and work, postulating that Jung was haunted by a prophetic revelation and spent a lifetime searching for the "reality of the soul." He characterizes Jung's life story as a "compelling parable that illustrates the creative uses of incipient madness." He interprets Jung's early life using such phrases as "a world he never made" (childhood), "ghosts" (college student), "the sense of non-sense" (work at Burghšlzli asylum), and an "inexorable" marriage. This is followed by chapters on Freud (a mutual enchantment; and the break) and journey to the underworld, along with Toni Wolff ("Eros-winged muse"). There are chapters on the Psychological Club of Zurich, introversion and extraversion, Jung in America, alchemy, two well-tempered friendships (Richard Wilhelm and Hermann Keyserling), the flirtation with the Devil (Nazism), years of misery (1938-45), and the institute (Jung's mystical body).

Jung: His Life and Work; A Biographical Memoir , by Barbara Hannah. New York: G. P.Putnam's Sons, 1976; London: Michael Joseph, 1977; New York: Penguin Books/Putnam's, 1981p (376, incl. 11-p. index, 5-p. bibl., 10-p. ref. notes).

Presenting a "biographical memoir" of Jung, Hannah's point of view as student, analysand, colleague, friend, and neighbor makes his life come alive in this chronological account that reveals not only the complexity of this creative man but also his simplicity. She illustrates the common ground she had with him in her deep interest in psychological wholeness-the process of individuation. Her story begins with Jung's early impressions and then proceeds through years at Basel Gymnasium, Basel University, Burghšlzli Psychiatric Hospital, the first years at KŸsnacht, the First World War, after the war, travel (1925-26), storm clouds over Europe, an Indian intermezzo, the Second World War, creative writing, Mysterium Coniunctionis (his opus magnum), and the late years.

C. G. Jung: Word and Image , edited by Aniela JaffŽ. (Ger.: C. G. Jung: Bild und Wort. Olten,Switzerland: Walter Verlag, 1977.) Princeton, N.J.: Princeton U. Press (Bollingen Series XVII.2) 1979*; 1983p* (238 + xiv, incl. 6-p. index, 5-p. chron. of Jung's life, 5-p. technical terms, 1-p. List of the Collected Works, 205 illus.).

This beautiful, large-format picture book with explanatory text marks the occasion of a memorial exhibition in 1975 on the 100th anniversary of Jung's birth. Edited by JaffŽ, Jung's personal secretary between 1955 and 1961 and an analyst herself, it serves as a companion volume to Jung's autobiography, which she also edited. Its contents reflect not only Jung's external life but his inner life as well. A wide collection of photographs, art work, and documents are included. Subjects covered are Jung's grandparents, childhood, and student years, as well as the occult and parapsychology, Burghšlzli, Freud, confrontation with the unconscious, the mandala, alchemy, Paracelsus, psychotherapy, the transference, home and family, travels (North Africa, Pueblo Indians, Kenya and Uganda, India), the Eranos Conferences, the tower in Bollingen, religion, and life and death.

Jung: Man and Myth , by Vincent Brome. London: Macmillan, 1978 + p; New York: Atheneum, 1978; 1981p; London: Paladin Book/Grafton Books, 1980p* (327, incl. 11-p. index, 9-p. bibl., incl. list of the Collected Works).

An experienced biographer (of H. G. Wells and Havelock Ellis), Brome presents a sympathetic as well as critical story of Jung's life, characterizing him as an authentic scientist and artist whose philosophic temperament and training harbored a Renaissance- style humanist. Brome's research on Jung over several years and interviews with many people who had known' Jung resulted in a rounded portrayal of "a sage-almost an oracle" in his later years. Brome's thirty-two chapters follow Jung's life chronologically from forebears to the last year. Appended is a 12-page recapitulation of Jung's theories in the form of a resumŽ of the psyche, as well as an appendix on the psychiatric sources of Jung's work and a brief appendix on Jung's influence.

The Adult Development of C. G. Jung, by John-Raphael Staude. Boston and London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981* (134 + xxiv, incl. 4-p. index, š-p. bibl., 4-p. ref. notes, 2 illus.).

Within the context of contemporary adult developmental psychology, psychologist Staude concentrates on Jung's mid-life transition in order to show how Jung developed his theory of the individuation process during the second half of life. Drawing upon Jung's own personal experience as well as clinical situations, he presents his own interpretation of what he considers to be the strengths and weaknesses of Jung's theory of that stage of the life process.

C. G. Jung, Emma Jung, and Toni Wolff. A Collection of Remembrances, edited by Ferne Jensen. San Francisco: Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco, 1982p* (131 + xi, incl. 4 illus., 1-p. preface by Joseph Henderson).

This is a collection of short reminiscences by thirty-eight people who knew Emma Jung, Antonia (Toni) Wolff, Jung's chief assistant, and Jung himself, along with memoirs by twelve members of the Club who had met Jung personally. The varied group of contributors, including mostly Jungian analysts but also authors, artists, editors, and clergymen, present a wide variety of remembrances.

Meetings with Jung: Conversations Recorded by E. A. Bennet During the Years 1946-1961 . London: Anchor Press, 1982; Zurich: Daimon Verlag, 1985p* (125, incl. 3 illus., 3-p. introduction by Marie-Louise von Franz).

Having first met Jung in the early 1930s, Bennet made notes during seventy-one meetings with Jung between 1946 and five months before Jung's death in 1961. His background of psychological medicine as well as theology and philosophy provides a basis for understanding and valuing Jung's contributions. The notes present impressions of Jung's everyday life and his natural way of living and thinking. The sixteen short chapters are titled by season and year.

Jung's Last Years and Other Essays, by Aniela JaffŽ. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1984p (Jungian Classics Series, 6) (172 + ix).

The first four of the five chapters are reprinted from JaffŽ's 1971 From the Life and Work of C. G. Jung, the fourth essay being "From Jung's Last Years," which JaffŽ supplies in response to requests from many who were more interested in impressions of Jung's personality than in his scientific writings. The last chapter deals with the creative phases in Jung's life, reprinted from the journal Spring (1972). JaffŽ's observations of Jung's personality derive from her serving as his personal secretary during the last

seven years of his life and before that as administrative secretary of the Jung Institute of Zurich from its founding in 1948. She met Jung in 1938 after fleeing from Germany and subsequently trained as an analyst. (See a new edition (1989) under the old title in chapter 3.)

Lord of the Underworld: Jung and the Twentieth Centur y, by Colin Wilson. Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1984*; 1988p* (160, ind. 3-p. index, 1-p. bibl.).

Wilson, author of numerous biographies, characterizes Jung as an artist as well as a scientist,particularly in the way his painting (especially of mandalas) and his stone carving illustrated his "confrontation with the unconscious." His overview of Jung's influence on the twentieth century begins with a chapter on Jung's dual personality and continues with the topics of how to become a scientist, how to lose friends and alienate people, lord of the underworld, the invisible writing, and the sage-doubts and reservations. Appended is a discussion of active imagination.

Jung, A Biography, by Gerhard Wehr. (Ger.: Carl Gustav Jung: Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Munich: Kšsel Verlag 1985.) Boston and London: Shambhala Publications, 1987*; 1988* (550 x viii, incl. 11-p index, 7-p. bibl. of the Collected Works, 32-p. ref. notes, 5-p. chron.of Jung's life, 27 illus.).

By far the longest biography of Jung, this is an attempt to present a somewhat conventional account of Jung's life, trying to do justice to both inner and outer dimensions in chronological fashion. Wehr closely follows Jung's own memoirs, providing a factual introduction with little new information. Following an introduction on origins and genealogy, he presents early experiences, a spiritual and religious awakening, studies in Basel, experiments in parapsychology, Jung's experience as a psychiatrist at Burghšlzli, his encounter with Emma Rauschenbach, Sigmund Freud ("the first man of real importance"), the inevitable break, and transformation and confrontation with the unconscious. This is followed by traveling and tower building, Jung's encounter with alchemy, the Eranos conferences, journey to India, the religion question, National Socialism ("I slipped up"), the Second World War, the Codex Jung, signs of age, creativity and growth, Answer to Job, and Mysterium Coniunctionis, ending with Jung's last days ("under the sign of wholeness"). Appended are essays on "Western Consciousness and Eastern Spirituality ,Ó ÒC. G. Jung in Dialogue and Dispute,Ó and "Prolegomena to a History of Jung's Influence."

A Walk with a White Bushman, by Laurens van der Post. London: Chatto & Windus, 198š*;New York: W. W. Morrow, 198š*; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1988p* (32š + xxi, ind. 8-p. index).

The original idea for these conversations came from jean-Marc Pottiez, who, like van der Post,was born in Africa of European parents and shared two cultures. They were intended asinterviews for French television or radio, but it was decided to publish instead. Covering the period 1982-85, the conversations cover a wide range of subjects; and, as van der Post notes, "we seemed to be talking around a camp fire in the vast natural world of Africa." Such an overpowering feeling had occurred when he first met Jung in Zurich; Jung took him home and they talked far into the night. Nearly fifty references to Jung are made in the index, thereby revealing the close friendship these two men had. In answer to the question, "Who was Jung for you?" van der Post answered, "He was a friend who gave me much, to whom I owe more than I can say, and who was also great fun.... But above all he was a kind of lighthouse to me." The designation of van der Post as a white Bushman refers to him as a white man with the Bushman's intuitive sensibility.

Encounter with Jung, by Eugene Rolfe. Boston: Sigo Press, 1989* +p* (232 + xvi, incl. 2-P index, 17 photos, 4 letters from Jung to Rolfe).

Rolfe weaves his "encounter" with Jung into his own autobiography, the actual personal encounter occurring in chapter 31 (the last before the conclusion), in December, 1960, six months before Jung's death. His first "encounter" had been in 1946 when he happened to read Jung's book The Integration of the Personality, which drew him from a deep depression and caused him to reinterpret "God" in a meaningful way, in terms of the total personality. Following his demobilization from the British Army in 1947, he was inspired to write a book which he submitted unsuccessfully for publication; he then sent the manuscript for evaluation to Jung, who referred him to Gerhard Adler. This led to Rolfe's acquaintanceship with Jungians in London and to correspondence with Jung about Rolfe's writings. He writes in detail of his nearly two-hour meeting with Jung in 1960.

An Illustrated Biography of C. G. Jung, by Gerhard Wehr. Boston and Shaftesbury: Shambhala Publications, 1989* (159, incl. 1-p. bibl., 2-p. ref. notes, 4-p. chron. of Jung's life and work, 230 + illus.).

Drawing somewhat on his extensive biography of Jung (see above), Wehr provides the equivalent of about sixty-five pages of text to accompany the numerous illustrations (many in color, including eight drawings by Jung himself) that include photos of people, scenes, and documents such as Jung's notebooks, diaries, and letters. The first part of this large-format volume deals with the early years of Jung's life, and the second part deals with Jung's experience in depth psychology. The third and longest part covers "laying the foundations of analytical psychology" from a fresh burst of creativity to investigations of psychological types (1921), Jung's travels, tower-building on Lake Zurich, the encounter with alchemy, Jung's relationship with Eastern spirituality, confrontation with National Socialism, and psychology and religion. The fourth part is concerned with maturation and later work, last years, Jung's influence on the intellectual life of today, and a section composed of "voices and testimonies" that convey the diversity of his contemporaries' reactions from Freud to Steiner, Hesse, and more than forty others.

The Wisdom of the Dream: The World of C. G. Jung, by Stephen Segaller and Merrill Berger. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989*, 1990p* (A C. G. Jung Foundation Book) (211 + x, incl. 5-p. index, 5-p. bibl., 32 illus.).

As an accompaniment to a British television series, Segaller and Berger present this book about the supposedly difficult subject of psychology (science of the human mind), documenting their encounter with Jung through a journey in Jung's footsteps and interviews with Jung's students, followers, and family. They explain Jung's genius as belonging to a man who is "not an abstract theorist, but a doctor who liked to discover what was good for his patients," someone who dreamed and investigated dreams all his life in order to understand the wisdom of the unconscious. Following a brief introductory chapter on the life and influence of Jung, the authors discuss the reality of the psyche (Jung's research and methods, including a copy of his famed wordassociation test); the wisdom of the dream (reflections by Aniela Jaffš, James Hillman, Joseph Wheelwright, Mary Briner, Robert Johnson, Marie-Louise von Franz, Gerhard Adler, and Harry Wilmer); a creative life (reflections by Jung's grandson, analyst Dieter Baumann, Adolf GuggenbŸhl-Craig, and Dora Kalff); remembrances of encounters with Jung, the secret life of relationship (inner, outer, and collective), travels in time and space (through books and through visits to USA and Africa), concluding with a discussion of "the inner world of the outer world" and Jung's search for a meaningful life.