The Soul's Trip: The Journey that is Not a Journey

Come explore the unexpected fruits of viewing the soul's journey to self-revelation from a deconstructive standpoint. 

A Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Fay Lecture, with Pater Otto Betler

McMillan Institute Scholar, Michael Escamilla, sits down for a quick interview with Pater Otto Betler, in advance of his Fall 2020 Fay Lecture at The Jung Center of Houston. 

Consider "Crime and Punishment in America" ONLINE with Ron Schenk

Explore the American criminal justice system – its massive extremes in number, its extension from socio/economic disparities, its foundation in racism, its inevitable bias extending from a flawed court system, its ambivalent shadow of the death penalty, and its perpetuation through inevitable astronomical rates of recidivism. 

NOW FREE! Join Us for 2020's Fay Lecture - The Gospel According to Jung

Join the international Jungian community as we explore how presenting C.G. Jung’s psychology in theological terms can help certain individuals regain their psychological health and pursue their individuation process while maintaining, utilizing, strengthening, and deepening both faith and psyche. 

FREE ONLINE BOOK GROUP: Explore Fanny Brewster's 'The Racial Complex'

Join Jung Center Executive Director, Sean Fitzpatrick, for a free lunchtime reading group. In this installment of the Look Deeper series, we will read Fanny Brewster’s The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race. Drop in at any time; no prior participation in the group is necessary.