Film Reviews

The Ballad of Narayama

Dolores Brien reflects on the lessons of Shohei Imamura’s 1982 film, The Ballad of Narayama. Only by recognizing what dying is really like can we rid ourselves of the fear of dying and prepare ourselves for what Sherwin Nuland says is the best we can hope for: our particular death.

The Discovery of Meaning in "Babette's Feast"

Babette's Feast (1987) is popularly regarded as a "food movie." After seeing the movie for the first time, viewers flocked to restaurants around the country to experience first-hand the delicious feast they had watched being devoured on screen. Today, viewers will probably have to prepare their own feasts, but the recipes are still readily available. The film, however, is about a great deal more than the pleasures of eating. It is about the discovery of meaning.

The Truman Show

War of the Worlds

Ladies in Lavender as Mandala