Culture and Psyche

Disillusioned Brothers

Clinton might have integrated that powerful spirit in the land with the values of the secular republic created by our very religious and tolerant founding fathers. He had the opportunity to be a Lincolnesque figure in American politics. Instead he acted out the worst fears we have about ourselves and he opened the door to the more severe repercussions of our natural conservatism.

The Cultural Complex

Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society. Ed. Thomas Singer and Samuel L. Kimbles.   Just published by Brunner-Routledge, 2004:   "Based on Jung's theory of complexes, this book offers a new perspective on the psychological nature of conflicts between groups and cultures by introducing the concept of the cultural complex...."

My War on Terror

On September 24, 2004 in Dubrovnik, Croatia I visited a photography exhibit at a studio by the name War Photo Limited. Croatians know a lot about war.

What is the Archetype of the Apocalypse all about?

The word Apocalypse (revelation) is from the Greek meaning "uncovering what has been hidden."  In other words, the revelation of new truth. 

Desperados: Love in a Time of Broken Heart

...loneliness...seems to come with the modern age. CGJung wrote about it in the middle of the last century 'Through scientific understanding, our world has become dehumanised. Man feels himself isolated in the cosmos' (CW18) Jung's work and writings brings home to us how deep is our alienation from nature.