Analytical Psychology

The Heart of History

Jung offers the first psychological interpretation of history, putting him on a plane with Gibbon and Tocqueville. The individual as the carrier of civilization. African-American dreams confirm universal archetypes. Native American views of Caucasians. Essence of the Pueblo culture. Africa and the role of humans in the universe. What German dreams were saying. The psychological origins of World War II. Jung diagnoses Hitler. Will the West understand its shadow?

A Comprehensive History of Western Ethics: What Do We Believe?

In the second chapter of his work A Comprehensive History of Western Ethics: What Do We Believe? Warren Ashby examines the development of the western moral personality, through an analysis of the ethics of the ancient Greeks and Hebrews.  

Interview with Daniel C. Noel

Joel Weishaus interviews Daniel C. Noel about his newly published piece The Soul of Shamanism: Western Fantasies, Imaginal Realities. The work interrogates the authenticity of the neo-shamanic belief systems adopted and imported, by the West, from disparate cultures the world over. 

Winnicotts's Dream

British psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott (1896-1971) developed an original theory advancing controversial ideas such as the destruction of the patient and the merger of the subjective and objective worlds into a whole. He argued that C.G. Jung suffered from a severe pathology that had moulded his theoretical outlook. This article argues to the contrary: it seems like Winnicott's own theory displays a narcissistic kind of structure. His dream appears to be an unconscious reaction against his unsupportable conscious attitude. Winnicott is much concerned with how to defend against patients and their invasive pathology. It becomes a system of defence for psychologically weak therapists, and this is very harmful to patients. The article contributes to the understanding of narcissism.

Skeletons in the Closet

George L. Vergolias interrogates the implicit, lost meaning of the word closet through an investigation of the word’s etymology. In so doing, Vergolias discovers both the authentic, fluid meaning of the self (i.e. it is not ego-centered) and its capacity for transcendence.